Oregon Cambodian Buddhist Society and Wat Dhammarangsey cordially invite families and friends of the community to attend Bon Maha Puja ceremony to celebrate the Sangha Day or the Fourfold Assembly Day.
2 / 4 / 2023 - SATURDAY
5:00 pm - Gathering of laypersons to pay homage to the Triple Gem, observe the Five Precepts, and Paritta recitation
6:00 pm - Dhamma talk
2 / 5 / 2023 - SUNDAY
9:30 am - Gathering of laypersons to pay homage to the Triple Gems and observe the Five Precepts.
10:00 am - Alms round
11:00 am - Food offering to the Sangha
12:30 pm - Maha Puja recitation
For more information, please contact us at Wat Dhammarangsey, (503)638-3700 / Venerable Michael Tang (503)957-9099 / Sokharo Chouy (503)442-9914.